Ray Cayer started RayCo (Ray & Company for short) 30 years ago, branching out as raycotechnologies as he started actually producing sellable products. He has been an adventurer his whole life, living off the land, growing and canning his own food, sailing his own sailing vessels. He carries a 100 ton Coast Guard license. Primarily a marine electrician and system installer for any sea going vessel, he built several of his own houses, the latest is his 40' round concrete house, which has become quite popular and has created much interest in the design and it's efficiency. Several others have been in the works for getting built. Ray's enthusiasm for life and adventure continues on, hoping that others can be as fortunate as he has been.




What it's all about

Several new designs and plans are in the works such as a 52' & 30' house on a floating slab.  Sign up for the updates. 

To offer affordable services and products to enhance people's lives'

 Hoping that something that each of us does, can make a difference to the environment and out planet earth. There are many  energy saving technologies and ideas, along with fun to build products, such as the canoe model kits, the country style tables and scrim shaw swordfish bill and more. We hope that each visitors leaves with their gears turning faster.

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